Monday 11 July 2011

semi-final reflection

Well, last night with my homestay family.  Im going to miss them SO. MUCH.  I will certainly be happy to be back in the states with my biological family and (non-biological) animals, but I will absolutely miss my South African family.  Through living with this family, I have learned things that I could have never learned through a textbook, lecture, scholarly article, professor, or even the infallible internet.  Living with my family has been a true privilege and an extremely enlightening experience that I will never forget.      

Lu went to Joburg to be with her mom, dad, and brother which, although I miss her terribly, Im happy about.  She missed her family and they missed her, so I am happy that they are all together now.  I do miss her precious little face and smile though.  We got to be pretty tight buds.          

Although he is far too chauvinistic for my liking, Khulu has been quite entertaining.  Last night he apologized for any inconvenience he has caused me.  “What the heck are you talking about?” I asked.  “I don’t want to bother you.  I want you to have a good time.”  “No worries at all, Khulu! I love being here.  Its all good,” I reassured him.  That seemed to satisfy him.  “Good, my baby.  Youre my kid.  Youre part of this family.”  “And Im glad I am,” I truthfully said. 

Last week I was in the kitchen hanging out with my sisters, gabbing about something.  In his drunken state, from his chair in the living room, he shouted, “who’s that man in the kitchen!?!?”  “It’s Taylor,” my sisters calmly told him.  Classic.  Story of my life.  I swear this deep voice will get me somewhere one day.  No idea where, but somewhere. 

Tonight I asked Khulu what Im going to do for entertainment when I get back to the states.  He definitely got a kick out of that.  “I like you. Youre a good kid,” he told me.  Well thank goodness because you’ve been stuck with me for a month, buddy.   

Gran continually asks me why I don’t want to eat a huge plate of food at 7 o clock at night.  “I just don’t eat that much,” I try to explain to her.  This family eats an insane amount of food.  I have no idea how they do it.  I know they think Im absolutely out of my mind for not eating a feast every night. 

My older sister who is 18 is WAY into celebrities, fashion, and just being a diva.  She knows much more about the American celebrity scene than I do.  Cracks me up.  She always has questions for me about life in America.  Cars, school, celebrities, food, money, clothes, anything she can think of.  Im always happy to answer her questions, and often inform her that the typical American citizen is nothing like what she sees on television.              

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